PRODUCT FINDER: an overview
That the Product finder – a core service on our website, is the most visited subpage on our website should come as no surprise since it offers simple, fast and easy in-depth comparison of selected products on the basis of several criteria.
However, despite this and the fact that the Product finder is present on the website since its inception, we are still sometimes surprised that some business partners don’t know it exists or how to use it efficiently.
So, a quick rundown on how it works. The users can simply compare whichever products they like, regardless if they belong to the same product group or not. Or, they can filter the products on the basis of its inclusion in a product group, intended application(s) or applied standards.
More precise categorization of products can be achieved using the filters on the left side: Extra Features, Main Features, Additional Features and Special Features – each with several sub-parameters for an even more refined search among the more than 100 showcased products.
In short, a valuable tool for any user, not just a business partner/distributor, who has trouble finding the right product for his purpose or who needs the exact information why a specific Metrel product is a cut above the rest.
Metrel d.d.
Ljubljanska c. 77 | SI-1354 Horjul | Slovenia |