Metrel PQA special offer + educational materials
The COVID-19 pandemic has thoroughly changed not only how we live, but also how we do business. Some industries are more affected than others and the test and measurement industry is fortunately one of those least affected. However, gone are the days of personally visiting prospective customers to demonstrate products or helping current ones with any product issues they may have. Everything is now done online; from educating business partners on new products to answering questions from customers who would like to utilize their purchase to its maximum potential.
We have started with the former – educating our business partners and distributors about our product through webinars, but we have plans to expand this service to end customers sometime in the future. We are emphasizing our power quality analysers (PQAs); products that currently sell in larger quantities only in some markets despite there being, at least in our opinion, demand for such products in many other markets as well. A comprehensive marketing strategy is currently under development to mitigate this and one of the first concrete steps is a special offer for selected PQA models.
SPECIAL OFFER: We are offering all Class S PQAs’ (model list down below) sets (Advanced, Standard and Euro) with the A 1685 Professional protective waterproof carrying case instead of the A 1006 Soft carrying bag – the price stays the same (for each respective set).
MI 2885 Master Q4
Class S Power Quality Analyser
MI 2884 Energy Master XA
Class S Power Quality Analyser
MI 2883 Energy Master
Class S Power Quality Analyser
A 1685 Professional protective waterproof carrying case
PQA Accessory
Henceforth, any set you order (if you wish to take advantage of this special offer) will come with a hard plastic carrying case (better portability and protection) instead of a soft carrying bag.
Special offer is valid from the time you receive this e-mail and till April 30, 2021.
In connection with this, we would also like to thank all of you who participated in the Part 1 and Part 2 of our webinar series on the topic of power quality analysis. As promised, we have uploaded all the material presented in the webinar – together with videos of the webinar itself (links down below).
Part 1:
Part 2:
This material was prepared for your use in mind; for easier understanding of challenges in power quality analysis and what distinguishes Metrel power quality analysers from the competition, and may be unsuitable for end users – even if significantly altered.
Metrel d.d.
Ljubljanska c. 77 | SI-1354 Horjul | Slovenia |