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PQA: Connection setup saving

Power quality analysis is a complex undertaking, even for well-seasoned professionals, who may make mistakes that cost them time and money. They could happen even at the very start, when preparing the connection setup: connection of current clamps, voltage and current test leads and general parameters on the power quality analyser itself.
Moreover, each analysed power system has its own setup, necessitating to start the setup anew on a new system or when switching between different, but (in the past) already analysed systems. To mitigate this problem, we have developed and integrated in all our analysers a new function – SAVE/RECALL (in the CONNECTION SETUP menu).
Each unified setup (selected from an array of integrated pre-defined ones or user created) can now be saved under a unique, user-defined name, and includes nominal voltage, selected current clamps & range, frequency and connection type. This information can be saved on the microSD card and be shared with other users/analysers, enabling pre-configuration of the analyser for specific measuring location before starting analysis/troubleshooting on the actual power network location, speeding up the process and reducing the likelihood of errors.
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