
Below table shows current overview and relations of Metrel Software, Licenses and Instruments. Software can be downloaded from Metrel web page (www.metrel.si), some also from this portal. Licenses and instruments can be bought at you nearest Metrel distributor (https://www.metrel.si/en/locations/).

License types descriptions

In table below short descriptions of software license types are written.

SoftwareLicense typeLicense Part NumberLicense nameDescription
SW 1201
basicP 1100Metrel FW Profile License  Key With BASIC SW Set

Basic SW license (containing specific FW profile and BASIC MESM SW profile) is installed in the instrument before shipment. License can also be bought as an option in case additional FW profile (language)/BASIC MESM SW profile is needed.

Enables upload and download functionality from instrument to MESM.

proP 1102Metrel FW Profile License  Key With PRO SW Set

Pro SW license can come with the instrument or can be bought as an option in case additional FW profile (language)/PRO MESM SW profile is needed.

Enables additional functionalities of added FW profile (language) and PRO MESM SW profile. PRO MESM SW profile enables professional report creation (creating of pdf file and printing) and pro Excel export.

upgrade from basic to proP 1101Metrel MESM BASIC to PRO licence key Upgrade

Upgrade license from BASIC to PRO MESM functionality can be bought as an option.

PRO MESM SW profile enables professional report creation (creating of pdf file and printing) and pro Excel export.
SW 1203
Metrel SDK
SDKP 1104Metrel SDK License Key Metrel SDK License enables upload and download functionality from instrument to Metrel SDK. Can be bought as an option.
SW 1402
Will be added.Will be added.Will be added.Will be added.
SW 0201
basicA 1305PC SW PATLink PRO with USB and RS232-PS/2 cable

Basic SW license usually comes with the instrument or can be bought as an option.

Enables upload functionality from PATLink PRO to instrument.

proA 1306PC SW PATLink  PRO Plus with USB and RS232-PS/2 cable

Pro SW license can come with the instrument or can be bought as an option.

Enables additional functionality to basic license: Pro Plus Report creation.

upgrade from basic to proA 1203Upgrade code PATLink PRO to PATLink PRO Plus

Can be bought separately as an option.

Enables additional functionality to basic license: Pro Plus Report creation.

SW 0101
EuroLink PRO
basicA 1291PC SW EuroLink PRO with USB and RS232-PS/2 cable

Basic SW license usually comes with the instrument or can be bought as an option.

Enables download functionality from instrument to EuroLink PRO.

proA 1290PC SW EuroLink  PRO Plus with USB and RS232-PS/2 cable

Pro SW license can come with the instrument or can be bought as an option.

Enables additional functionalities to basic license: Pro Plus Report creation and Logo import.

upgrade from basic to proA 1292Upgrade code Eurolink PRO to Eurolink PRO Plus

Upgrade SW license from basic to pro SW functionality can be bought as an option.

Enables additional functionalities to basic license: Pro Plus Report creation and Logo import.
SW 0113
no type classificationA 1275PC SW  HVLink PRO

License for HVLink PRO can come with the instrument or can be bought as an option.

Enables download functionality from instrument to HV Link PRO.

SW 1304
aMESM Android
no type classificationP 1102-ANDMetrel aMESM PRO License Key Upgrade (A 1522)

License aMESM Android can come with the instrument or can be bought as an option.

Enables upload and download functionality from instrument to aMESM Android.

SW 1303
aPAT Android
no type classificationA 1434aPATLink Android

License for aPAT Android can come with the instrument or can be bought as an option.

License removes delays (approx. 8s) implemented in usage of software (report creating). 
SW 1308
PATLink Android
no type classificationA 1433PATLink Android

License for PATLink Android can come with the instrument or can be bought as an option.

License removes delays (approx. 8s) implemented in usage of software (remote keyboard).
SW 1307
EuroLink Android
no type classificationA 1431EuroLink Android APP

License for EuroLink Android can come with the instrument or can be bought as an option.

It enables connecting to instrument and download functionality from instrument to software.

Additional licenses explanations

1) MESM licenses

MESM licences consist of two parts (FW profile and SW profile), which are needed input for generating the desired license for the instrument.

FW profile defines functionality of the instrument; example of FW profile for MI 3155 is “ATAA”.

SW profile defines license type; which can be MESM BASIC, MESM PRO, SDK. (Upgrade from basic to pro is actually pro license type.)

Example of license number is shown on picture below.

2) Mebedo licenses

Licenses P 1120 MB and P 1121 MB are purchased by customers who have Metrel instruments and would like to work with Mebedo software.

License P 1120 MB consists of Mebedo FW profile and SDK SW profile. It offers full compatibility with Mebedo software.

License P 1121 MB consists of Metrel FW profile and SDK SW profile. It offers partial compatibility with Mebedo software.

3) Licenses for instrument MI 3290

Licenses below define MI 3290 functionality.

License name

License Part Number

MI 3290 GL licence key

P 1201 EU

MI 3290 GP licence key

P 1202 EU

MI 3290 GF licence key

P 1203 EU

MI 3290 GX2 upgrade licence key

P 1204

4) License to upgrade MI 3360 25A to MI 3360 M

With license below the functionality of MI 3360 25A can be upgraded to MI 3360 M functionality.

License name

License Part Number

MI 3360 M licence key

P 1301