First use

Pair the Metrel installation test instrument with your Android device

  1. Turn on the Metrel installation test instrument
  2. Go to Settings on your Android
  3. Scan for Bluetooth available devices on your Android device
  4. Select the correct instrument for pairing
  5. Use the default PIN 1234 to pair


Enter license key

  1. Open aMESM
  2. Select "Settings"

3. Select "Device Activation"


  2. 4. Click on the key button

5, Select the Barcode button and scan your license a.k.a QR code in the email received message/printed page or enter manually the license


6.  Click "Done"

7. You should now be able to connect your Metrel installation tester with the Android App aMESM.

aMESM initial settings

  1. Open aMESM
  2. Select "Settings"


3. Select "Instrument/adapter selection"

  • Choose appropriate installation tester
  • Click on "Select a device to connect" and choose the one with your serial number
  • Click "OK"


4. Select "Scope of work"

  • Select your workscope
  • Example: "Safety of LV installations" → EU installations

5. Go back