Test station without automatic protection using two hands control device S 2111
End-of-line safety testing in production
Test station built with a two-hand control safety system is the preferred solution for testing larger objects. When checking the electrical safety of larger electrical devices, PE continuity must be tested on all accessible metal parts. In practice this means checking the connection of multiple locations on the device. The operator must therefore have access to the device under test some stage during the electrical safety check to perform the test on every test point. The main job of the two-handed safety device at this type of safety station is to prevent the user from performing hazardous tests when exposed to the risk of electric shock. The device only allows the test to start when the user has both hands in contact with the safety set: both buttons on the pair of hand controls must be pressed during the test. This prevents the user from accidentally coming in to contact with the parts that become live during the test. If any of the buttons is released, the safety module disconnects the dangerous measurement circuits from the supply.
IEC 60335-1 one of the most widely recognized standards in the field of testing electrical equipment in production lines. Annex A of the IEC 60335-1 specifies that routine tests are to be carried out by the manufacturer on each appliance to detect production variations that could impair safety. They are normally carried out on the completed appliance after assembly, but the manufacturer may perform the tests at an appropriate stage during production, provided that later manufacturing processes do not affect the results.
The following tests are the minimum considered necessary to cover essential safety aspects. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to decide if additional routine tests are necessary. It may be determined from engineering considerations that some of the tests are impracticable or inappropriate and therefore need not be carried out.
- Earth continuity test
- Dielectric strength test
- Functional test
Application Notes
MI 3394 XS (Extra Safety) is a specialised test instrument designed for integration into production lines. The instrument permits the connection of several safety sets for independent control of dangerous measurement circuits. It also supports user-created test sequences with comments, images, wiring diagrams and other extra content.
The parameters and limits can be adjusted for all tests. The instrument can be remotely controlled via black-box protocol, which makes it ideal for integration into automated test systems.
Main features of the instrument:
- All features of MI 3394 CE MultiTesterXA.
- Control of measuring circuits with help of Safety sets.
- Perfectly suited for use in workplaces conforming to EN 50191.